The US Is Ending The Really Useful Hiatus In Use


The US is ending the recommended hiatus in use


U.S. health officials on Friday lifted a recommended hiatus for the use of Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine and provided assistance to state and local authorities in distributing the doses that are considered critical to delivering life-saving shots to hard-to-reach ones To bring communities.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Food and Drug Administration’s announcement came after the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices known as ACIP, recommended on Friday for further use of the J&J vaccine, explored the benefits of the Shot outweighed risk. The committee is an external body of experts that advises the CDC.

Advisory panel members did not recommend U.S. regulators limit the use of the J&J vaccine by age or gender, but suggested that the Food and Drug Administration consider adding a warning to women under the age of 50.

In a statement late Friday, the FDA and CDC said they were confident the vaccine would be safe and effective in preventing Covid-19, adding that the risk of blood clots was “very low”.

“Safety is our top priority,” said Acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock in a statement. “This pause was an example of our comprehensive security monitoring designed to work – and identify even this small number of cases.”

“We have taken the hiatus based on a review of all available data by the FDA and CDC and in consultation with medical experts and based on recommendations from the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices,” said Woodcock. “We have concluded that the known and potential benefits of the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine outweigh the known and potential risks in those aged 18 and over.”

During a press conference on the announcement, Woodcock said health care providers should review revised FDA datasheets on the vaccine, which include details about rare blood clots. People with questions about the vaccine should discuss these with a health care provider, she said.

J & J’s Covid-19 vaccine, like the Pfizer and Moderna shots, received emergency approval from the FDA to begin distributing the doses in the United States. An EEA grants conditional clearance based on two months of safety data until another submission for full approval, which normally requires at least six months of data.

On April 13, the FDA and CDC urged states to temporarily discontinue use of J & J’s vaccine “out of caution” after it was reported that six women aged 18 to 48 years had a cerebral combination with low platelets Venous sinus thrombosis developed. CVST occurs when a blood clot forms in the venous sinuses of the brain. It can prevent blood from draining from the brain and can eventually lead to bleeding and other brain damage.

Within hours of the warning from U.S. regulators, more than a dozen states, along with some national pharmacies, stopped vaccinating with J & J’s vaccine. Some sites replaced the J&J recordings for scheduled appointments with either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

The US government should lift the recommended hiatus shortly after the committee voted in favor.

Prior to Friday’s vote, the committee debated whether to recommend against J & J’s use of the vaccine or recommend it to U.S. regulators enforcing a warning label. The committee also considered limiting use of the vaccine based on age or other risk factors.

During the meeting, CDC official Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, there have been no reports of the condition of those who received the Pfizer BioNTech mRNA vaccine. There have been three reports of CVST in patients receiving the Moderna vaccine, he said, even though the patients did not have the low platelet levels seen in the J&J recipients.

Platelets help the body form blood clots to heal wounds. US health officials warned against a treatment such as blood-thinning heparin in patients with low platelets, which could make their condition worse.

Rare blood clots with low platelets occur in women aged 18 to 49 at the rate of 7 per 1 million vaccinations for the J&J shot and 0.9 per 1 million in women aged 50 and over. This is evident from a slide presented at the CDC panel meeting. CDC has confirmed a total of 15 cases of rare blood clots, including 12 women who developed blood clots in the brain. According to the presentation, three women died and seven remained in the hospital.

There are no confirmed cases in men, although officials have stated that they are looking at potential additional cases.

Dr. Michael Streiff, a hematologist at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, said the condition is very rare under normal circumstances. “I can tell you from my experience treating these patients that I’ve just never seen it before,” he told the committee during a presentation on Friday.

Earlier this week, J&J announced that it would restart its vaccine rollout in Europe after regulators there backed the single vaccine by recommending adding a warning to the label. The European Medicines Agency has examined all available evidence, including reports from the United States.

Benefits of Vitamin D

Benefits of Vitamin D Facts and Wonders, Compulsory Readings for those of you who know Vitamin D is limited to ‘Able to help bone absorption’

Become an Indonesian Society living among the Equator which has many advantages, Besides having abundant natural resources

the community is also shown to have a much stronger risk than the people living in a country with four seasons.
How come? Is it because of habit or lifestyle? answer Maybe Yes, but there is one thing more than the pattern hidup.mau know what is it? Check out this figure.

Scientists Scientists were only able to know and assume that the cause is Vitamin D that comes from the sunshine in the tropical region, Until finally 1990, they decided to start reviewing and looking for answers to the money.
And produce them managed to uncover the facts and important roles that had never occurred to the minds of the world community at that time.
So what are those? the following description.

Benefits of Vitamin D in Preventing Colon Cancer and Breast Cancer.

The research project using Cedric Garland, DrPH., Alongside the University of California team shows that Vitamin D has an important role in preventing breast cancer and colon cancer.

According to his explanation With the intake of 2,000 IU of vitamin D per day can reduce the risk of getting hit by cancer by 50%.
While women who received intake of 800-1000 IU of vitamin D per day can reduce breast cancer risk up to 50%

This statement is in line with what was revealed by Harvard Medical School stating that High Intake of Vitamin D and Calcium can reduce Breast Cancer Risk for Pre-menopausal women, but not with women who become menopausal.
Vitamin D can prevent cancer, by maintaining health and preventing uncontrolled cells.

The benefits of Vitamin D can confuse Heart Disease Risk.

One research team from the United States involved in research in 1996 Found the fact that people who have low levels of Vitamin D in the body (Less than 15 grams permilligram) Risk double the heart attack compared to others who have more vitamin D levels high or above 15 grams of blood permilligram nanogram.
Decision-making successful 1700 volunteers who average 59 years.
The study was led by Dr. Thomas Wang and is still continuing, and there is no final conclusion.

Benefits of Vitamin D Prevent Type 1 and 2 Diabetes

In the Finnish Country, the Study Results of 12,000 infants concluded that Adequate Babies Receiving Vitamin D intake were more able to prevent Type 1 and Diabetes type 2 when they were not.
For that the provision of Vitamin D for Babies is highly recommended.
The dose is 8.5 micrograms / day for a 6 month-old baby.
As for children and children 7 months to 3 years, the recommended dose is 7 micrograms per day.

What about those adults? Results of research that occurred during 22 years in the country of Nokia mobile phone also has involved 40-74 years of Volunteers and from the results of this study also managed to reveal that the concentration of vitamin D in the male body is higher than in women.

Evidence from the results of this research that eventually became the answer. The risk of Type 2 diabetes is always lower than women.
However, the fact that Vitamin D is still one of the determinants of Diabetes Risk, Unhealthy lifestyle, Smoking Habits, Consuming Alcohol, and many who consume sweet foods remain a major factor that can increase the risk. the arrival of diabetes or diabetes.

Increasing Tuberculosis (TB) Stiffness

WHO says there are 1.7 million people worldwide who are killed every year due to Tuberculosis and the most bad news coming from country to world, Salah Indonesia is one of them.
This rescue was helped by a team of researchers from University Of California, Los Angeles.
Their research results have revealed that Vitamin D when consumed will increase the Cathelicidin Molecular Production which is very powerful to kill bacteria that cause Tuberculosis clients.

Vitamin D can reduce the risk of asthma and allergies.
This is important for pregnant women, so keep in mind and note, such as vitamin D deficiency can increase Asthma and Allergy levels to achieve your vitamin D intake.

Adequate Vitamin D may reduce the risk of Asthma and Allergies Up to 40%.
This statement was revealed by researchers at Harvard University.

Vitamin D deficiency can have a negative effect on the lungs and the immune system in which this will affirm the risk of asthma.
Use of Steroids for the treatment of Asthma will be better with adequate Vitamin D intake. This is because Vitamin D can help The rest of Steroids and dispose of so Asthma will recover faster.

Benefits of Vitamin D Prevents Pre-Eclampsia
One of the frightening specter for prospective mothers is Pre-Eklamsia.Sudah tau What is Pre-Eklamsia?
Pre Eclampsia is Premature Birth and Mental Backwardness in the Fetus.
Until now, pre-eclampsia itself has not seen the cause for sure.
But the results of a study involving researchers from the University of Pittsburgh said there was a link between Pre-Eclampsia and Less Vitamin D In Early Pregnancy.
This statement certainly does not apply to it, because it involves 55 pregnant women who have Pre-Eclampsia and 219 pregnant women whose conditions of pregnancy are normal.
In the study it was revealed that Hydroxy Vitamin D in mothers passing Pre-Eclampsia was only 45.5 nanomol / liter while Hydroxy vitamin D content in women whose pregnancies were Normal was 53.1 nanomol / liter.
Although this study has not been obtained from other facts that can also be done by the intake of Vitamin D is less, So For pregnant women is very important for this by staying sufficient intake of vitamin D in pregnancy.

The benefits of Vitamin D can sharpen the memory.

In the structure of brain tissue network can be a lot of Vitamin D Receptor. For that the experts strongly believe that one of the important role of vitamin D for the human body is to improve intelligence and brain memory.
How Vitamin D works in improving Brain Neurons to date is still continuing in research and yet, it’s just Vitamins

D has very clearly had an important role in helping the DHA challenge and proven to work for brain cells.

One study conducted by Children Of Hospital and Research Center, United States once explained that children with vitamin D deficiency will experience mental disorders and behave.
and if these conditions continue to be left then nowadays children will become vulnerable to Depression.
The results of this study then followed up by various research centers in various countries, one of which is the University of British Columbia.